Other Archives

Other places to look for fat liberation history

Archivo Grueso

  • Archivo Grueso nace en 2021 como proyecto archivístico artístico activista en contra de la invisibilización que sufre la comunidad gorda. [ LINK ]

Audre Lorde

  • Audre Lorde Papers at Spelman College [ LINK ]
  • Digital Audre Lorde Archive at JFK Institute [ LINK ]
  • Audio recordings at Lesbian Herstory Archives [ LINK ]
  • Pacifica Radio Archives [ LINK ]

Bo Brown, abolitionist

  • Freedom Archives in Berkeley, CA, has archived material about fat dyke abolitionist and former political prisoner Rita Bo Brown, related to her activity with the George Jackson Brigade and Out Of Control: Lesbian Committee to Support Women Prisoners. [ LINK ]

Fannie Lou Hamer, civil rights leader

Judith Stein, Boston area fat lesbian activist

  • Papers of Judith Stein, 1973-1997 at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. [ LINK ]

Judy Freespirit, founder of Fat Underground

  • Mazer Lesbian Archives n Los Angeles. [ LINK ]
  • GLBT Historical Society [ LINK ]

Laura Bock, founder of Fat Lip Readers Theatre

  • GLBT Historical Society [ LINK ]

Sharon Lia Robinson, Fat Underground member

  • Papers of Sharonah Robinson, 1956-1985 at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. [ LINK ]

Silvia Kohan, Argentinian-Jewish lesbian singer and songwriter

  • Silvia Kohan Papers at GLBT Historical Society [ LINK ]

Vivian Mayer / Aldebaran / Sara Fishman, Fat Underground founder

  • Mayer Collection of Fat Liberation at the University of Connecticut. [ LINK ]

Wear Your Voice Archive

  • Archive of articles from Wear Your Voice magazine, 2014-2021. Articles by Ana Velasquez, Ashleigh Nicole Tribble, Briana Hernandez, Clarkisha Kent, Da’Shaun Harrison, Donyae Coles, Gloria Oladipo, Hess Love, Hunter Shackleford, Jordan Daniels, Kateves, Kitty Stryker, Laurel Dickman, Mary Brighton, Leah Vernon, Mayra Mejia, Maz Hedgehog, Nadia Mohd Rasidi, Patrilie Hernandez, Rachel Otis, Sherronda Brown, Sonalee Rashatwar, Sumajane, Sydney Greene, Sydneysky G., Tina Colleen, Vanessa Rochelle Lewis, Virgie Tovar and others. [ LINK ]