Radical Cheerleaders of Santa Cruz (Cheerbook) (1999)

Title (as given to the record by the creator):  Radical Cheerleaders of Santa Cruz (Cheerbook)
Date(s) of creation:  1999
Creator / author / publisher:  Radical Cheerleaders of Santa Cruz
Location: Santa Cruz, CA US
Physical description:
20 page zine
Reference #: RadCheerSC-1999
Links: [ PDF ] [ QZAP ]


–page 1–

[Image description: 2 light-skinned masculine people are shown close-up, passionately kissing with their arms around each other. The image is in black and white. A large bar across the center of the image contains text that says “READ MY LIPS.”]


Friday, April 29:
9:00 pm March from Christopher & West Sts.
10:00 pm Rally at Sheridan Square 
10:30 pm Kiss In at 6th Avenue & 8th St.
11:30 pm Tracks – ACT UP/ACT NOW Fundraiser 


SPRING AIDS ACTION ‘88: Nine days of nationwide AIDS related actions & protests.”

Radical Cheerleaders of Santa Cruz

–page 2–

[handwritten above the hand-drawn text box that encases the page] L Cheers! 

Riot Don’t Diet


hey girl (clap clap clap)
get yer face out of that magazine
you are more than a beauty machine
you’ve got anger soul and more
take to the street and let it roar


ugh UGH (clap clap clap)
If cosmo makes you sick and pale
you know what you need to do 

liberate the beauty queen
burn the bibles of the fashion scene 
LET’S (clap) GET (clap) MEAN!!!!!!

[image description: 2 black and white images are placed side-by-side, both are turned on their side. The first shows a man from behind who is hunched over in an army uniform. The second shows a blurry group of people in and beside 2 trucks. People are waving flags from the tops of the trucks. A sideways caption reads: “Iraqi people breaking through US lines to bring food and medicine to besieged people in Fallujah.”]

–page 3–



One: we are sex positive

Two: we couldn’t be prouder

Three: we will say it louder 


One…. Repeate….

Coming out Day Cheer: CU Boulder Campus Crusade for Queers 

Yo all you girlz; hey all you boyz,

Leave all the stereotypes bring on the toys.

Y’all ready for rhythm y’all ready for rhyme,

Come on everyone it’s gender fuck time

Gender, gender, fuck it we say Life’s more fun with gender play.

Gender, gender, it’s not what’s down there

Assigning strict roles, that ain’t fair 

Gender, gender, it’s a fluid thing Fuck their rules we’re celebrating.

The gender police, What assholes, Forcing us into gender roles.

Just boy or girl is what they are trying to sew, That silly binary has got to go.

If I wanna wear whitey -tighties with my dress, Who are you messing with my

happiness? If I wanna wear high heals and I got a dick, Leave me alone, don’t be
a gender prick.

So I’ve got short hair and a big strap-on, You have no right saying its wrong.

Gender, gender, fuck it we say Life’s more fun with gender play.

Gender, gender, it’s not what’s down there, Assigning strict roles, that ain’t fair.

Gender, gender, it’s a fluid thing Fuck their rules we’re celebrating.

BUTCH FEMME FAG DYKE Be who you are dress how you like.

OVERALLS LIPSTICK PANTIES TIES Don’t be the gender police in disguise.


Gender, gender, fuck it we say Life’s more fun with gender play.

Gender, gender, it’s not what’s down there, Assigning strict roles, that ain’t fair.

Gender, gender, it’s a fluid thing Fuck their rules we’re celebrating.

I say fuck, you say gender FUCK, GENDER (2x)

I say gender, you say fuck GENDER, FUCK (2x)

I say gender, you say queer GENDER, QUEER (2x) what’d you say? QUEER!!

Who has authority? Why do they have it? 

–page 4–









Lip Room

Drop yer pants, give yer cunt some air

Rip yer panty hoes off, fuck underwear

Just breathe, let it breathe, let some light down low

Take yer bra off too, let y-er nip-ples show

Don’t shy away from yer smell!

Take a great deep breath

You gotta savor all yer flavor and give thanks for yer r

Sick of crossing yer legs? Let yer junk stretch out ,

[handwritten] GIVE YERSELF SOME LEG ROOM GET A [2 words, inscrutable]


(call and response) 

I said the system pushes down the poor!

What did you say?

I said I ain’t gonna take no more!

What did you say?

(everyone together) 

I said stomp, smash the state, let’s liberate 

Organize and raise some hell!

Rise up! Fight back! Rebel! 

[image description: The text is collaged over a grainy black and white photo. Too much of it is covered to identify what the photo depicts. A sideways bar alongside the photo seems to say  “Direct Action,” although part of the word “action” is covered.]

–page 5–

Gay Cheer (modified by priya)

2-4-6-8 i’m the one to choose my mate

not the church not the state 

we’ll decide / our own fate 

don’t like it? Go masturbate! 

[Image description: a flier or poster is collaged on sideways. At the top in wavy writing it reads “Shake your boots! Shake your fists!” Below is a line drawing of a raised fist overtop a megaphone. Below that reads “RADICAL CHEERS PHILLY!”]

[collaged over image] A Strong People Needs No Leaders 

[collaged beside images] Politicians Justify Governments; We Just Defy Governments.

There’s more [text is cut off]

I said o e o e o teach safe sex!

SLOW IT DOWN! (at which poin[text is cut off]


[image description: A person with dark skin and locs raises a fist in the air. A fist appears to be raised in front of them as well. Behind them are 4 more people, who appear to be different races. There are trees, an office building, a lamp post, and an airplane behind this group of people] 

[collaged beside image] We want abortion on demand 


We’re the ones who ovulate 

–page 6–

To The Left

To the left, to the left, and not to the right

To the left, to the left, and never to the right

Break it on down now!

My back is aching, my bra’s too tight

My booty’s shaking from the left to the right

Shout it out, revolution! Shout it out, revolution!

Enough is enough (hey hey) we all must rise up!

Didn’t eat today, no place to stay so kiss the back of my butt, uh!

Kiss the back of my butt, uh!

Kiss the back of my, kiss the back of my, kiss the back of my…

Your ackabacki, your sodacracki, your money, your jobs

Your institutions that never listen to the people’s needs

Its all about greed!

So beep! beep! beep!

Take your voices to the street, yall!

A Few Of My Favourite Things

Warm April showers and cold moons in autumn,

good friends and lovers, you know when you’ve

got ’em,

replacing government with anarchy,

these are a few of my favourite things.

Lockdowns and treesits and teach-ins and


joining with others to fight for a new day,

ripping up the streets while we dance and sing,

these are a few of my favourite things.

Corporate culture, it surrounds me,

and I think I’ll give up,

I simply remember my favourite things,

and then I go FUCK SHIT UP!

–page 7–

[Image description: The same flier from page 5 is collaged onto the page At the top in wavy writing it reads “Shake your boots! Shake your fists!” Below is a line drawing of a raised fist overtop a megaphone. Below that reads “RADICAL CHEERS PHILLY!” The flier is collaged overtop a sideways black and white image, an illustration of a torso holding out clenched fists]

[collaged onto the page sideways] If you witness police brutality/misconduct or if you have legal concerns, please speak to a national lawyers guild member in 

If church and state don’t separate

Democracy is through 

My body’s mine

And that is all

I really have to say 

Sexy cute: 

I’m sexy. I’m cute. Political to boot! 

I’m bitchin’. I care. So go ahead and stare!

I’m smart. I’m down. I represent my town! 

I’m strong. I’m loud. I make my sisters proud! 

Who am I? Just guess! I REFUSE TO BE OPPRESSED! 

I use my voice to protect a woman’s choice! 

I’m rockin’. I’ll fight… don’t take away my rights!

I’m major. I roar. MY SQUAD IS SO HARDCORE!

We cheer. We lead. We know there is a need! 




[placed sideways, underneath the “sexy cute” chant]

Women, men, raise your voice!

Rule your bodies,

C’mon get riled!

If you don’t trust us with a choice,

How can you trust us with a child?

[the remainder of the text is cut off, so you can only see a fraction of the first word of each line. A second chant, placed below it, is cut off in the same manner.]

–page 8–

[image description: a cheer that has been placed sideways is mostly cut off at the top of the page. The rest of the text on the page is encircled in a large hand-drawn rectangle] 

Pervert Cheer

gimme a B! gimme a D! gimme a S! gimme a M! 

What’s that spell? (groan, moan, etcetera..) 


i’ll tell you what it means to me

sucking fucking standing up

sticking things up in yer butt

tit clamps, piercings and rim jobs

twiddling diddling with yer knob

men in corsets, chicks with dicks

getting off on turning tricks 

fat is sexy, bears are hot

saddle up and ride my cock

i’ll strap it on you wanna watch?

let’s get the state out of my crotch

lube me up and bind those wrists

to fuck like this is to resist

give a cop a golden shower

come on baby, fight the power!

One we are sex radicals

two we couldn’t be prouder

three we’ll say it louder

Freedom for every one

–page 9–


I said

BRRRR! Its cold in here!

Stop teaching our kids abstinence and fear.

I said BRRR! Its cold in here!

You know safe sex is gonna disappear.

I said BRRRR! Its cold in here!

There’s more STDs in our school each year.

I said o e o e o teach safe sex!

I said o e o e o teach safe sex!

SLOW IT DOWN! (at which point, we slow it down)


[image description: A grainy photo shows a person standing with a box truck. The person is wearing black pants and a bra. The side of the truck is covered in a large advertisement that says “DYKE”  in stylized text, followed by “THE FINAL FRONTIER,” followed by 3 lines that are too grainy to read. The front of the truck says “fiercepussy.”]

[the caption below the image]

107 – fierce pussy 

Dyke: the final frontier 1994

color xerox on truck, three 6 x 12 posters 

[collaged sideways onto the edge of the page, partially cut off]

Gender, gender, fuck it we say Life’s more fun with gender play.

Gender, gender, it’s not what’s’ down there, Assigning strict roles, that ain’t fair.

Gender, gender, it’s a fluid thing Fuck their rules we’ [text is cut off]

BUTCH FEMME [text is cut off]

[in huge text at the bottom of the page] TRANARCHY !

–page 10–

[image description: 3 people are outside; one is sitting in the foreground and 2 are standing behind them. The photo gets cut off at their necks. All 3 people have light skin and are wearing black, traditionally “punk” clothing. The 2 standing are wearing skirts; one has striped tights and boots. There are bits and pieces of black and white images collaged around this one, but it is unclear what they depict.]

[in sideways, handwritten text] WRITE YOUR OWN!… 

the police are supposed to give warnings to disperse before arres[text is cut off]

if you hear a warning, please take heed 

please realized this rally and feeder march are un-permitted 

thus, you are subject to arrest for participating in this action 

–page 11–

america, america

(to the tune of america the beautiful)

America, America what’s happening to you

If church and state don’t separate

Democracy is through

My body’s mine

And that is all

I really have to say

I have the right

To run my life

I don’t need your ok

[image description: a cartoonish illustration shows a person shouting, with their mouth open very wide. Their eyebrows are slanted and their fists are clenched. Their long hair is sticking out in all directions.] 

[image description: a photo has been ripped in half, and both halves are pasted on the page with a couple inches of space between them. The photo shows 2 people. The first is a fat person standing in profile. They have pale skin and facial hair, and are wearing a hat, scarf, a graphic t-shirt, and fishnet gloves. They are holding a sign that is cut off, but you can read “MY CUNT,” followed by a heart. The second person is facing the first person, and their outstretched arm is pointing a finger at the first person. They have a bow in their hair and are wearing feminine-coded clothing.] 

[image description: in the space between the 2 halves of the first image, you can see a box of handwritten text that says “April 25 – Pro Choice Cheers !” Below this is a round logo of a cartoon bunny. The bunny has a heart encircling an anarchy “A” drawn on its chest, and is holding a huge wrench. It is standing in the foreground of a circle that has “RCDC” written on it twice.] 

–page 12–

[image description: the “SEX POSITIVE” cheer and the “Coming Out Day Cheer”  from page 3 are transposed sideways on the page, and mostly covered by diagonal stylized text that says “RADICAL CHEERS!”] 

[image description: a screen-print is titled “GenderFunk.org.” It shows a transgender symbol (the venus symbol with a fist through it and two arrows extending outward from the top). The venus symbol is stylized to look like a tree, and you can see its roots beneath the ground.]

–page 13–

Material World 

Billboards, fashion, MTV / Creating insecurity false needs ! 

Prescription drugs and suv’s / False sense of security 

They will fake it they will flaunt it / Anything to make it sell

But after all that money making / They are going straight to hell 

Chorus (repeat twice)

Cause we are living in a material world 

But I ain’t no material girl Uh uh ! 

Pesticides and gmo’s / They’re cancer causing agencies don’t feed !

Coca cola mickie d’s / Just killin’ as they please 

Text book history action movies / Enforce white supremacy fuck that 

Corporate prisons unpaid workers / And police brutality stand up !


Paper plastic ziplock masses / Disposable society fuck that ! 

Depleted uranium in your water / Completes your morning tea 

Live to work and work to shop / That ain’t the life for me uh uh ! 

Just open up and look around / To the endless possibilities !


Intersex Babies

The intersex babies born every day

Doctors want to mutilate, we say nay

Just boy or girl is what they’re trying to sow

That fucked up binary has got to go

’cause male female or in-between

It all works out just let us be

Cuz we want long clits and short dicks and xxyy

Medical associations ain’t got no alibi

Everyone deserves a choice especially the children

We demand a world free of forced genital mutilation

That means no circumcision no cosmetic surgery no clitorectomy no vaginoplasty

Just let the babies be

Foreskin is there for a reason! erectile tissue is there for a reason! mutation is here for a


It’s called…Evolution!

–page 14–

[sideways text, cut off]

cheerleaders of DC 


[inscrutable handwritten text]

April 25th pro choice cheers ! ! 

[image description: the head of the shouting cartoon from page 11 is sticking out sideways from the right side of the page]

Fat and Fabulous 

That is not / my ideal, those hips don’t satisfy more 

Cuz skin and bones ain’t what I’m striving for 

Hey ladies! Hey ladies! Let’s eat more!

got booty in the back and a lot ‘up front 

My secret is / I eat lunch!

Now I’m in control / and ready to riot

Against your demands that I need to diet 

I’m gonna take up space / and I love my thighs 

Cuz fat and fabulous is on the rise hey! hey! 

Fat and fabulous is on my thighs! 

Love your clit 

Lonely in your bed at home?

Don’t feel bad ’cause you’re alone

Your sexuality’s just that

You’re the sole owner of your TWAT!

Soooo, reach down low and take control

By yourself, still rock and roll

Do it yourself! Don’t need no dick!

Love your body love your clit!

love your body love your clit!

[in sideways text along the left side of the page] Dykes and Whores Unite! 

–page 15–

School Days

I learn from everything I do, much more so than from school

Where I’m forced to sit and listen, and be turned into a tool

Live now for your future, waste away at your desk

And let the standardized tests dictate your happiness

But I’ve got my own ideas, I want to jump and play

And learn all the secrets they’ve hidden away

So I’m ditchin’ your methods, your school’s weren’t made for me

I’ll learn it for myself and my mind will be free! Yeah!

[image description: Two people are embracing, as if about to kiss. They both have bandanas in their hair. One has a tattoo of a tree on their bicep, and has their hand on the other person’s lower back. Behind them are a number of angry looking protestors. One protestor is holding a sign that says “Women Need LOVE Not ABORTION”]

[collaged sideways onto the right side of the page] The People United Will Never be Defeated 

I ain’t yo ho 

Hold up wait a minute don’t go there cuz I aint with it

Oh I aint yo ho 

Who’s a ho? Yo mama mama Who’s a ho? yo daddy daddy Who’s a ho 

bang bang 

When I say I you say ain’t

when I say yo you say ho 

I aint yo Ho  

–page 16–

Get Off It


So Uh! Get off it! The enemy is profit!

Hunger and starvation

Won’t be solved by corportions


Unemployment and inflation

Are not caused by immigration


Trannies, fags, dykes, and queers

There’s more to us then selling beers


We want local autonomy

So fuck your capitalist economy

Chorus (repeat twice)

[written sideways in stylized text along the left side of the page] CHEERS!

[written sideways along the right side of the page] Act Against War 

Ring Around the Rosy

Ring around the rosy, the television shows me

Facist, classist, we all fight back!

Take a break, take a back

Smash a window, burn the Gap

Smash the state, liberate

Organize, coordinate

Ring around the rosy, the FBI opposed me

Anarchy anarchy, its all within our grasp!


They are the P-I-G-S with a badge on their chest

They’re here to oppress the people with less

They’re armed and dangerous the big boys in blue

Put your hands where they can see them or they’re gonna shoot you

Their excuse is protection their rool is control

The time to act is now kick the pigs off patrol

They are the F-R-D-S with the badge on their chest

They’re here to oppress the ancient forest

They’re armed and dangerous the big boys in green

Pull your climb and roll up or they’ll cut down your tree

Their excuse is forest management their rool is the saw

The time to act is now don’t let the frds (simultaneously pigs) make the law!

–page 17–

School Days

I learn from everything I do, much more so than from school

Where I’m forced to sit and listen, and be turned into a tool

Live now for your future, waste away at your desk

And let the standardized tests dictate your happiness

But I’ve got my own ideas, I want to jump and play

And learn all the secrets they’ve hidden away

So I’m ditchin’ your methods, your school’s weren’t made for me

I’ll learn it for myself and my mind will be free! Yeah!

[image description: Two people are embracing, as if about to kiss. They both have bandanas in their hair. One has a tattoo of a tree on their bicep, and has their hand on the other person’s lower back. Behind them are a number of angry looking protestors. One protestor is holding a sign that says “Women Need LOVE Not ABORTION”]

[collaged sideways onto the right side of the page] The People United Will Never be Defeated 

I ain’t yo ho 

Hold up wait a minute don’t go there cuz I aint with it

Oh I aint yo ho 

Who’s a ho? Yo mama mama Who’s a ho? yo daddy daddy Who’s a ho 

bang bang 

When I say I you say ain’t

when I say yo you say ho 

I aint yo Ho  

–page 18–

[Image description: the photo is positioned sideways on the page. It shows a person in checkered shorts facing away from the camera, standing so close to a road sign they are almost embracing it. There is tall grass in the background. The road sign is rhombus-shaped and appears to have said “rocks,” but now it has been vandalized to say “my cunt rocks.”]

[image description: the photo is positioned sideways on the page, so that if you were to rotate it 90 degrees it would be directly below the first photo. It is cut off, and shows a person’s legs along with the lower half of their torso. The person’s pants are slightly pulled down so that you can see their midriff and the top of their butt. They have a handkerchief in their back left pocket. They are barefoot and surrounded by brush.] 

[white text on a black stripe collaged onto the page] Free From the Repressive Confinement of Gender Expectations and Self-Censorship.

Rocker Girl Queer Style (modified by priya)

There once was a rocker girl with a queer flag to unfurl

With a puppet show on QFS oh!

With a message that intended to change the world

She’d go to the center of town where folks were sex radically down

And she never was afraid when the gossip spit sprayed she always stood her ground


She said you can’t catch me I’m runnin’ with the queer block

Stuff yer crotch with a tube sock

Cop around runnin’ with the que-eer block

She said you can’t catch me I’m runnin’ with the cheer block

And I’ll be runnin’ with the cheer block til the revolution is nigh

Til the day I die!

When this rebel girl gets crass as she gets a whiff of the homophobe gas

With a radical cheer for the riot gear that goes ackabacka sodacracka kiss my ass!

And as tough as it may seem she will go to the extreme

Its fucked up oppression with no concession its more than just adream


–page 19–

[in a hand-sketched text box]

One we are sex radicals

two we couldn’t be prouder

three we’ll say it louder

Freedom for every one

[in a hand-sketched text box]


Barbie likes to masturbate

She’s been doing it since age 8

And her style is really great

Religion told her she should wait

And find herself a suitable mate

2-4-6-8 Barbie didn’t take the bait

So listen all you girls and boys 

Come on in and grab your toys

We’re going to make a lot of noise

Learning about our bodily joys


Everybody masturbate!

[image description: the 2 cheers on this page appear to be collaged over a sideways newspaper clipping. The bottom of the page (which would be the left side of the news clipping) shows a photograph of protestors. One discernable sign says “stop war and,” before being cut off. Next to the image is a heading that says “All foreign troops OUT of Iraq,” followed by more text that is cut off. At the bottom of the clipping (along the right side of the page) it says:  “www.ANSWERcoalition.org • answer@actionsl.org 2489 Mission St. #24, San Francisco, CA 94110 • 415-821-6545”]

–page 20–

[image description: two people are sitting side by side; the camera has been zoomed in to show their thighs and hands. The first person is wearing fishnet tights; the second person is wearing shorts, knee high stockings, and hand warmers. The two people’s hands are touching.]

[collaged along the right side of the page] Direct Action. 

[image description: A copy of the same photo (two people sitting) has been copied below the first, aligned sideways & partly cut off. You can see the second person’s knee high stockings & the tips of their fingers.]

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