Tag: Common Lives Lesbian Lives

Getting Down at the Fat Girl’s Ball (1994)

by Betty Rose Dudley, Common Lives / Lesbian Lives 51, 1994

Doing Donahue (1986)

by Judy Freespirit, Common Lives / Lesbian Lives Issue 20, 1986

From a Fat Dyke…(1982)

by Sheena Ann Lawrence, Common Lives / Lesbian Lives 6, 1982

THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US (but it’s for our own good) (1981)

by Kelly, from Common Lives / Lesbian Lives, Issue #1, 1981

Concerning Fat Dykes: A Fat “Womonifesto” / Miss Fat Manners Rules of Etiquette (1986)

Two short pieces by Valley Fat Dykes, from Common Lives/Lesbian Lives issue 20, 1986.