Tag: fat resources
Fat Girl Speaks Event Program & Resource Guide (2004)
Program / Zine from a one-day conference for fat folks in Portland OR, US. Includes extensive resource listings. 2004
FaT GiRL #1 (1994)
Issue #1 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. October, 1994
FaT GiRL #2 (1995)
Issue #2 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. February, 1995
FaT GiRL #3 (1995)
Issue #3 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. June, 1995
FaT GiRL #4 (1995)
Issue #4 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. October, 1995