Tag: Marilyn Wann

Fat Girl Speaks Event Program & Resource Guide (2004)

Program / Zine from a one-day conference for fat folks in Portland OR, US. Includes extensive resource listings. 2004

Resisting Fat Hatred (2000)

Susan Stinson’s reportback from a protest. April, 2000.

Where are all the allies, and where do we go from here? (2008)

Tara Shuai writes about racism in connection with the 1000 Fat Cranes project. 2008

Rethinking 1000 Fat Cranes (2008)

Tara Shuai addresses racism in fat activism. 2008

FaT GiRL #3 (1995)

Issue #3 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. June, 1995

Size Queen (2005)

Size Queen: for queen size queers and our loyal subjects. June, 2005