Title (as given to the record by the creator): Fat Warrior Freaks Storm NYC
Date(s) of creation: September, 2002
Creator / author / publisher: Sondra Solovay, Max Airborne
Location: New York, NY USA
Physical description: Typed page with workshop facilitator’s outline
Reference #: LadyFestNYC-Workshop-2002
Source: Max Airborne
Links: [ PDF ]
Fat Warrior Freaks Storm NYC
A workshop by Sondra Solovay & Max Airborne
LadyFest East, NYC, September, 2002
1 . Introduce ourselves
2. How many have fat-activist/oppression work experience?
3. We’re not here to debate diet results or studies, or talk about body image issues of thin people
-difference between fat oppression and body image issues
-NIH study re: diet failure rate
-Ansel Keys study debunks “try to lose weight” myth
4. Sandy’s stereotype story as segue
5. Stereotype exercise
6. Overlap of fat with other oppression
– can’t have progressive politics w/o having a stand on fat oppression
– can’t adequately address racism, classism, etc. w/o addressing fat oppression
– higher percentage of fat folks in other oppressed groups
7. Actual discrimination stories
– summary of legal situation
– basic, little legal protection
– kids especially vulnerable
– Max tell lockup story
8. Fat warrior concept
– warrior = fighting for the truth, fighting against falling asleep
– be proud of ourselves for surviving!
– acknowledge other folks
– acknowledge people in the play
9. Places where fat intersects your life
– how are these different if you accept being a warrior?
10. Activist project ideas and examples
- what have folks been doing?
- fat art, music, plays, etc.
11. Tell your stories! Why is that important?
12. ( If time) Responses to stereotype insults – brainstorm
13. (If time) Make patches