Tag: fat hatred
Movements of Luxurious Exuberance: Georges Bataille and Fat Politics (2015)
A paper by Lynne Gerber, published in “Negative Ecstasies: Georges Bataille and the Study of Religion.” 2015
Open Letter Against Fat Hatred (2000)
An open letter in response to fat hatred against author Susan Stinson in Massachusetts. 2000
Speech delivered at the speak-out Resisting Fat Hatred — Miriam Berg (2000)
Miriam Berg’s speech from the speak-out Resisting Fat Hatred, Northampton, MA, March 4, 2000
The Silent Tragedy: a brief overview of the non-diet paradigm to promote health for people of all sizes (2000)
Greg Kline’s speech from the speak-out Resisting Fat Hatred
March 4, 2000, Northampton, MA
Luscious and Delicious (2000)
Judith Stein’s speech from the speak-out Resisting Fat Hatred
March 4, 2000, Northampton, MA
Resisting Fat Hatred (2000)
Susan Stinson’s reportback from a protest. April, 2000.
FaT GiRL #2 (1995)
Issue #2 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. February, 1995
FaT GiRL #3 (1995)
Issue #3 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. June, 1995
FaT GiRL #4 (1995)
Issue #4 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. October, 1995
Fat Liberation: No Losers Here (1981)
Article by Judith Stein, from Sojourner, February, 1981, and a followup letter from the subsequent issue in March, 1981.
Stereotype Yourself! (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper, by Lynn Mabel-Lois. 1974.
Humor (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper, by Lynn Mabel-Lois. 1974.
Size Queen (2005)
Size Queen: for queen size queers and our loyal subjects. June, 2005