Tag: Gudrun Fonfa
The Fat Underground Speaks (1974)
Audio recordings from the Fat Underground, 1974.
Life In The Fat Underground (1998)
Sara Golda Bracha Fishman tells the story of the Fat Underground. From Radiance, 1998.
Fat Underground Throws Weight Into Obesity War (1976)
An article about The Fat Underground from the Los Angeles Times. Jan. 8, 1976.
Fat is Fine (1976?)
An article about a Fat Underground presentation, from an unknown newspaper.
Roster – Fat Underground Members (1970s)
A list of women who were part of the Fat Underground and affiliated groups. By Karen Stimson.
A Fat Women’s Problem-Solving Group: Radical Change (1978)
A report from members of the 1973-74 Fat Women’s Problem-Solving Group.
Fat Feminist Herstory (1993)
Timeline of fat feminist events from 1969-1993. By Karen Stimson