Fat Oppression pamphlet (1990s)

A pamphlet by Riot Grrrl South East Michigan.

Discovering the Truth (1999)

An interview with medical rights champion Lynn McAfee.
By B. Shanewood
From Radiance Winter 1999

Fat and Female – One Woman’s View (1974)

An article by Karen Jones, published in the NAAFA Newsletter, 1974.

Movements of Luxurious Exuberance: Georges Bataille and Fat Politics (2015)

A paper by Lynne Gerber, published in “Negative Ecstasies: Georges Bataille and the Study of Religion.” 2015


Resisting Fat Hatred (2000)

Susan Stinson’s reportback from a protest. April, 2000.

FaT GiRL #1 (1994)

Issue #1 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. October, 1994

FaT GiRL #2 (1995)

Issue #2 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. February, 1995

Life In The Fat Underground (1998)

Sara Golda Bracha Fishman tells the story of the Fat Underground. From Radiance, 1998.

Group Contends ‘Fat Is Beautiful’ (1973)

A article from the Hartford Courant in 1973.

Fat Feminist Herstory (1993)

Timeline of fat feminist events from 1969-1993. By Karen Stimson

The Political History of Fat Liberation: An Interview (1981)

On February 1, 1981 two members of The Second Wave collective interviewed ReaRae Sears and Judith Stein, two Boston feminists active in the Fat Liberation movement. This is an edited excerpt from that interview.