Title: Fat Queer Community Heart Circle & Potluck Brunch
Organizers: Max Airborne and Greta Carey
Year: 2011
Location: Oakland, CA
Source: Max Airborne
Links: [ PDF ] [ Website ]
Fat Queer Community Heart Circle & Potluck Brunch
Text of flyer:
Fat Queer Community Heart Circle & Potluck Brunch
Saturday, September 24, 2011 @ Humanist Hall
411 28th St, Oakland (between Telegraph & Broadway)
Feel free to come for any or all parts of the event (RSVP requested)
HEART CIRCLE 10am – noon
Borrowed from the Radical Faerie community, a heart circle is a talking circle where each person speaks from the heart, while the others listen attentively from the heart. A talisman is passed around the circle, and whoever holds it is the one speaking, while the others listen without interrupting or giving feedback. A heart circle has its own kind of magic, which comes as much from the quality of the listening as from the speaking. Speaking and listening “from the heart” are difficult to define, but we know when we’re doing it, and a heart circle is a chance to discover the meaning for ourselves, together in community.
DOORS for the heart circle OPEN at 9:45 and CLOSE at 10:10, so don’t be late!
POTLUCK BRUNCH noon – 2 pm
Potluck & brunch, two fine queer traditions! Share your culinary creativity with your community! (No one turned away for lack of food.) We will provide cards and pens for listing ingredients, so those with food allergies, etc. can know what to eat. If you have food allergies, bring some food you like! There is a kitchen for heating up food. DOORS for the potluck OPEN at NOON.
A face-to-face time & space to let your community know what projects you are working on, generate excitement, ask for input and solicit participation.
Please help keep this a fragrance-free space to allow full participation by those with allergies and chemical sensitivity. This means use unscented body products and laundry soap prior to coming.
Learn how to be fragrance-free: visit https://bit.ly/fragrancefree
The space is wheelchair accessible and contains basic folding chairs. If you prefer a chair that’s more comfy for your fine fat ass, bring it!
This event is being organized by fat, queer citizens Max Airborne and Greta Carey, but we can’t do it alone! Sign up to help! Email us: fatqueerheartcircle@gmail.com
Donations gratefully accepted to help pay for space rental. Email us for info about how to donate: fatqueerheartcircle@gmail.com
https://fatqueercommunity.wordpress.com RSVP to fatqueerheartcircle@gmail.com
Text of 2nd page reads:
fat queer community heart circle sept. 2011
- manatee goes around the circle
- manatee holder is the speaker
- it’s fine to pass without speaking
- speak from the heart
- listen from the heart
- no cross talk or interrupting
- stay focused on our own experience
- when speaker passes the manatee, feel free to give them some love/thanks/acknowledgement with a gesture or wordless sound
- confidentiality: what’s said here stays here