Title (as given to the record by the creator): La Cerda Punk: Ensayos desde un Feminismo Gordo, Lésbiko, Antikapitalista y Antiespecista.
Date(s) of creation: 2014
Creator / author / publisher: Constanzx Alvarez Castillo, Trío Editorial
Location: Valparaiso, Chile
Physical description: PDF, 220 pages
Source: Biblioteca Fragmentada
Reference #: LaCerdaPunk-2014
Links: [ PDF ] [ Biblioteca Fragmentada ]
La Cerda Punk: Ensayos desde un Feminismo Gordo, Lésbiko, Antikapitalista y Antiespecista.
The Punk Pig: Essays from a Fat, Lesbian, Anti-Capitalist and Anti-species Feminism.
[image: cover has a drawing of a fat person naked, on their knees, their own hands holding their breasts. Their head is a snarling black dog, black fur intersects with bare skin at the shoulders, and a trail of hair/fur spills down their fat belly from the navel to the bush between their legs. The title “LA CERDA PUNK” in large, block letters, then very small letters underneath, saying “Ensayos desde un Feminismo Gordo, Lésbiko, Antikapitalista y Antiespecista.”] [PDF is screen-reader friendly]
“Siento la necesidad de visibilizar otros tipos de experiencias, diferentes a las yankee, que es desde donde se ha producido más teoría sobre esto del “orgullo gordo”. De todas formas, recalco las pocas traducciones de esta teoría al idioma español y la necesidad e invitación de escribir desde el “sur”.
“No me gusta sentirme orgullosa de una identidad, no creo en el orgullo, creo que esta palabra nos hace parecer que queremos ser parte de algo dentro de esta sociedad, una especie de dignidad parecida a la frase “el trabajo dignifica”. No me interesa ser parte de este mundo de mierda, quiero destruir sus formas que me oprimen. Porque soy del tercer mundo y acá no se vive la gordura como en el norte, porque no me interesa que un diseñador famoso haga ropa para gordas y que en las tiendas exista hasta nuestra talla, o que las sillas sean más grandes y que esta linda sociedad al fin nos tome en cuenta, que las compañías de seguros me los vendan o que haya un programa público de salud para mi supuesta enfermedad.
“No me interesa nada que tenga que ver con este mundo occidental, capitalista, heterosexual, higienizado y patologizador. No quiero ser parte de esta mierda, no quiero solamente salir del closet de las tallas, quiero destruirlo”.
Excerpt, in English:
“I feel the need to make other types of experiences visible, different from the yankees, which is where more theory has been produced about this “fat pride”. In any case, I emphasize the few translations of this theory into Spanish and the need and invitation to write from the “south”.
I don’t like to feel proud of an identity, I don’t believe in pride, I think this word makes us seem like we want to be part of something within this society, a kind of dignity similar to the phrase “work dignifies”. I am not interested in being part of this shitty world, I want to destroy its forms that oppress me. Because I’m from the third world and fat people don’t live here like in the north, because I’m not interested in a famous designer making clothes for fat women and that in stores they exist up to our size, or that the chairs are bigger and that she’s cute society finally takes us into account, that the insurance companies sell them to me or that there is a public health program for my supposed illness.
I am not interested in anything that has to do with this Western, capitalist, heterosexual, sanitized and pathologizing world. I don’t want to be a part of this shit, I don’t just want to come out of the size closet, I want to destroy it.”