Title (as given to the record by the creator): Open Letter Against Fat Hatred
Date(s) of creation: 2000
Creator / author / publisher: Susan Stinson, Lynne Gerber, a few hundred others
Location: Northampton, MA, US
Physical description: PDF of an archived web page
Reference #: RFH-OpenLetter
Source: archive.org
Links: [ PDF ] [ Resisting Fat Hatred ]
Open Letter Against Fat Hatred
We, the undersigned, people of all sizes, write to oppose the hatred our society directs towards fat people in general and fat women in particular. We have struggled for acceptance of our bodies – or we have watched loved ones struggle – in a culture where such acceptance is profoundly difficult to achieve. We recognize that fat hatred is an extreme expression of a cultural obsession with women’s bodies and women’s sizes. We know that this obsession keeps women questioning their worth and stepping back from their full power. We see the pain and confusion women face when relating to their bodies as a result of this same social dynamic, regardless of body size. We refuse to separate fat women or to consider their struggles any more of their own making than any woman’s struggle to accept and love her physical self.
We have been saddened and outraged by a recent expression of fat hatred directed against author Susan Stinson. In response to an article published in the Springfield (Massachusetts) Sunday Republican challenging the hatred of fat people and our cultural obsession with weight loss, she received a letter clearly intended to shame and to silence. Rather than taking issue with the arguments made in the article, the letter was full of gross assumptions about the author as an individual. It attempted to pathologize her, suggesting that her size reflected personal failures which disqualified her from addressing questions of body size and dieting. We see this letter as an attempt to intimidate fat women and to send the message that they have no authority to critique prevailing social values. We recognize this as a tactic of hatred used to silence many people and groups that historically have been the most vulnerable of our society.
By standing together against this expression of fat hatred, we affirm our belief that people of all sizes can be allies in overcoming body hatred and in creating new cultural values through which all bodies, and the people who inhabit them, are treated with caring and respect.
Sincerely, (see names below)
Janet Aalfs
Sue Abney
Margaret E. Abrison, PhD
Marites Abueg
Camila Aguilar
Lois Ahrens
Max Airborne
Michael Allen
Tondaleo M. Allen
Barbara Altman Bruno PhD
Rene Andersen
Marie Angelides
Alice Ansfield
Stefanie Archer
Rebecca Arendt
Laura R. Asgarian, MS, RD
Mary E. Atkins
Lucia August
Jane Aulisio
Joyce Avery
Catherine E. Babcock
Nikki Ball-Burrell
Grace Ballard
Priscilla H. Ballou
Melinda Bane
Marianne Barlow
Susan Barnes, MD, MPH
Jennifer Barr-DiPiazza
Angela Barth
Joanna Bauer
Dorothy Baumann
Bonnie Beardsley, MPH, LDN, RD
Alison Bechdel
Pat Beck
Jane Bellerose
Sally Bellerose
Javiera Benavente
Sylvia U. Benton, PhD
Donna Bivens
Hanne Blank
Cynthia M. Bleil
Mary Bombardier
Nancy Borrelli
Joan Borgos
Carol Bouthilette
Alex Bovey
Alistair Bovey
Jane Bovey
Lindsay Bovey
Shelley Bovey
Ariana E. Bowie
Pat A. Bradway
Gayle Brady, RN
Julie A. Bralek, RD, LD
Elissa Braunstein
Jonah Braverman
Lisa Breisch
Robert Bright
Minna Bromberg
Pamela J. Brown
Roberta Brown
Sabrina Brown
Susan Brown
Sarah Browning
Macky Buck
Angie Burke
Liz Bustamente
Deahdra Butler-Henderson
Cindy Byfield
Christie Caggiani, PhD, RD
Sean Cahill
Miche Campbell
Jennifer W. Cannon
Bree Carlson
Marj Carol
Judith Carpenter
Elaine Carr
Cate Carulli
Cythia Chamberlen
Sarah Chandler-Reed
Connie Chandler-Ward
Ernest Chapman
Becky Chase, MS, RD
Lissette Cheng
Sally Clay
Jane Philomen Cleland
Diana Day Coccoluto
Nikki Coccoluto
Fai Coffin
Leigh Cohn
Lindsey Hall Cohn
Marina Colonas
Mark Colonas
Lynn Comella
Linda Cooper
Jeanne Courtney
Jessika T. Cranston
Brenda Crosby
Jim Crotty
Marjorie Crum
Carole S. Cullum
Susan Curran
Carolyn Cushing
Renny Cushing
Jenny Dahlstein
Deidra Dailey
Krista Dake
Lena Dalke
Ann M. DaSilva
Sheila Davies
Carl Davis
Carrie Dearborn
Sachi DeCou
Wanda Deitner
Domingo DeJesus
Madison DeNiro
Sabine Dickel
Ellen Dickinson
Anthony diGenova
Ellen Dill
Ellen C. Donoghue
Monique K. Doryland
Anne Downes
Joan Drury
Dianna Dunn
Lorraine Durbin
Carol Dwyer
Elana Dykewomon
Jan Edelson
Beth Eisenberg
Sarah Elston
Gerald Epstein
Cheri Erdman
Erinn Ervin
Elena A. Escalera
Valija Evalds
Stephen Everett
Jeanne E. Eversley
Erica Eynouf
William J. Fabrey
Lawrence C. Falk
Bett Farber
Trudy Fedora, MS, RD
Malkah B. Feldman
Nina Feldman
Mothra Fenwick
Beth Ferguson
Esther Filderman
S. Naomi Finkelstein
Lynda Diane Radly Finn
Donald Fischer
Connie Fitzgerald
Sandra Flanagan
Carla Flores
Geleni Fontaine
Michelle Forsman
Jay Warren Fortenberry
Andrea Fox
Jean Frances
Donna Freeland
Jan Freeman
Rey Freitas
Amber French
Lynn Friedman
Rochelle Friedman
Ellen Frye
Sarah Fuhro
David Funk
Renee Fye
Leslie Gallen
George Garcia
Annie Garvey
Lynne Gerber
Dana Gillette
Susie Gills
Tracy Gilsvik
Ruth B. Goldberg, PhD
Hillary Goodridge
Sandra Gordon
Paula Gottlieb
Ilene Grabel
Julie Graham
Camilla Gray-Henry
Roberta Green
Anna Greenberg
Georgiana M. Gregor
Dorian Gregory
Marian (Meck) Groot
Nancy Gruver
Nadia Guessous
Tanya Gulliver
Martha Gyzowski
Jim Hammerschmith
Shirley Hankins
Jillian Hanson
Tasha Harmon
Lisa Harold
Aaron Harrington
Kate Harris
Keith B. Harvey
Dayle Hayes, MS, RD
James Heintz
Lisa Heldke
Carrie Hemenway
Evan Henshaw-Plath
Tracy Hewat
Maxine Hillenbrand
Liz Hoey
Kathy Hogan
Amy Hollander
Tryna Hope
Marilyn Huffman
Mary Hulbert
Marian Hunstiger
Cyndi Hunt
Michele Hunt
Leah H. Hyman
Christine Ianieri
Valerie Igl, MFT
Joanne Ikeda
Incourage Lesbian Emergency Fund
Rosemary Infante, PhD
Sharon Irinms
Helena Jackson
Stacy Jackson
Mike Jascowski
C.J. Jennings
Carol Johnson
Debra Johnson
Jason Johnson
Rebecca Johnson
Amanda Jones
Becky Jones
Kelly Kager
Heeten Kalan
Marilyn Kalman
Liz Kaltman
Rabiya Kapadia
Anne S. Kaplan, PhD
Beth A. Kaplowitt
Anna Karwan
Kathy Kater, LICSW
Donna Kather
Emily Kawano
Rosanna Kazanjian
Elaine Keach
Joe Kelly
Nettie Kent
Claire Kirch
Charlotte Kitouski
Rima Kittner
Greg Kline
Christine Knorr
Karin Kratina, MA, RD
Roni Krinsky
Dave Kristjanson-Gural
Randi Gray Kristensen
Sharon Kzuch
Elizabeth Lackey
Jennifer Ladd EdD
Penny Ladnier
Paige Allison Lado
Nedhera Landers
Patrice Langan
John Lapham
Jackene Laverty, RD
Suzanne LaRochelle, LCSW
Rita Larrow
Paulette L’Auteuil
Michele La Vigne
Patricia Lay-Dorsey
Meridith S. Lawrence
Idis M. Lazo
Katie Lebesco
Judy R. LeBold
Jennifer Lee
Lee Leman
Denise Lento
Lesbian Calendar
Deborah Craig Letarte
Janesse Leung
Sally Levering
Irma Levesque
Leslie R. Lewis
Maya Liebermann
Sara Littlecrow-Russell
Michael I. Loewy, PhD
Brenda Lopez
Ramiro Lopez Contreras
Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
Linda Newhart Lotz
Karen Lowe
Vanessa L. Lowe
Michelle Lucier-Lazur, JD
Anne Lundberg
Eileen Lutman
Jan Luzzi
Heather MacAllister
M.J. Maccardini
Christine Maguire
Patricia Maher
Janet Mann
Darla Marcomb
Dorothea Marcomb
Bertha Markowicz
Laura Cing Mars
Stef Maruch
Janet Mason
Thomas Masterson
Mara Math
Bob Mazer
Lynn McAfee
Susan McAllister
Mary McBride
Grace E. McCall
Sara McCallum
Carmen McClish
Melinda McCormick
Carolyn McDade
P. McDonald
Linda J. McMaster
Hugh McTague
Cynthia McQuillin
Georgianna Melendez
Tanagra Melgarejo
Cecelia Mendoza
Joe Mendoza.
Jeremy Migner
Cathy Miller
Cheryl Miller
Dusty Miller
Lael Miller
Rick Miller
Tanya Miller
Lynn Minnick
Pam Mitchell
Diane Montgomery
Catherine Mooney
Sue Moorman
Jacky Morales-Ferrand
Maria Morales Loeb
Linda Moreno
Christina Morgan
Mohey Mowafey
Mindy Mueller
Lynne Murray
Beverly Naidus
Jenny Navasky
Nancy S. Neal, RD
Dian Nelson
Lisa Nelson
Rallie Nepveux
Cynthia Newcomer
Kai Newkirk
Lesléa Newman
Hien Nguyen-Le, RD
Angel Nieto
Stephanie Nilva
Alma Norman
Debbie Notkin
Jarreau B. Nucci
Melina M. Nunes
Colleen O’Connell
Jann Oldham
Linda Omichinski, RD
Ester Orellana
Sara Orellana
Lisbeth B. Ornstein, PhD
Lisa Owens
Hatshepsut Pakeman
Megan Palaima
Georgia Rose Park
Renae Parker
Chris Peltier
Gail Peters
Lydia Petoskey
Erin Pettigrew
Sayra Pinto
Jerilyn A. Pittskey
Ann Podolske
Devra Polack
Melissa Ponce-Teran
Justine Post
Sara Post, RD
Elaine Pourinski
Michelle J. Poynter
Elaine Reily
Will Reiser
Stephen J. Remington
Elyse Resch, MS, RD
Martha Richards
Anne Richmond
Tom Riddell
Marci Riseman
Rebecca Rivenburgh
Carrie Roache
Patti Roberts
Jane A. Robinson
Jonathan Robison, PhD, MS
Cathi Rodgveller
Rafael Rodriguez
Pam Rogers
Emma Rome
Kate Rome
Michael Rome
Tony Rominske
Wanda Diane Rosce
Kim Rosen
Matthew Rosen, PhD
Amiee Joy Ross
Esther Rothblum
Margie Rotkin
Katrina Rowe
Louise Rubalow
Rachel Rudman
Barbara Russell
Rose Sackey Milligan
Evan C. Sagerman
Lisa Sanderfoot
Enid Santiago
Judith Sara
Linda Sarage
Christine S. Sass
Denise Saucier
Ann Scarritt
Maxine Schmidt
Hopeton Scott
Risa J. Sears-Page
Laura Seligman
Maria Nieto Senour, PhD
Jennifer Shapiro
Jodie Shapiro
Jamie M. Shea
Shirley Sheffield
Jo Ann Sheldon
Deborah Shepard
Sarah Shifley
Cyndia Shook, LICSW
Rebecca Sidener
Linda Sinapi
Sara Sinberg
Hilary Sloin
Alison L. Smith
Cameron Smith
Heather Smith
Stephanie Smith
Donna J. Snyder
Jody Sol
Ronald C. Sol
Sondra Solovay, JD
Anna Joy Springer
Almitra Stanley
MaryJo Stanley
Diane Stanton
Elizabeth Stanton
Beth Starger
Toni Stathopolous
Judith Stein
Timnah Steinman
Marilyn Stern
Debbie Stewart
Karen Stimson
Richard Stimson
Barbara Stinson
Don Stinson
Michael Stinson
Robin Stolk
Elena Stone
Linda Stout
Liz Sullivan
Kathleen Summers
Cynthia Suopis
Anna Sussman
Susan Swadener, PhD, RD
Jessica Swindler
Anne Sypniewski
Sherece Taffe
Glynis Takalo
Susan Takalo
Rebecca Tallman
Mariko Tamaki
Marsha Tarchman
Judy Tatro
Beth Terry
Crystal Thomas
Gail Thomas
Leigh Thornhill
Missy Tibbetts
Barbara Tobias
Janis Totty
Bettye Travis
George Triantafillou
Susan Triantafillou
Nguyen Thi
Tuyet Trinh
Tara Tull
Laurel Turk
Dot Turnier
Noemi E. Valentin
Valley Women’s Martial Arts
Sally Van Wright
Sarah Van Arsdale
Susan Vanat
Nandi Varris
Mary Vazquez
Gabriela Vidali
Bonita Veysey
Wendy Volkmann
Merry von Brauch
Desiree Waidner
George Walker
Lydia D. Walker
Nancy Walker
Susan Warr
Pamela Webber
Joyce Wermont
Pamela Westgate
Abby Wilkerson
Sarah Williams
Rhonda J. Williams
Carol Williford
Julia Willis
Ann H. Wilson
Beth Wolfgram MS, RD, CD
Janice Wood
Carol Wood-Klash
Dana L. Woodruff
Dr. Randi Wortman
Brenda Wyss
Felice Yeskel, EdD
Tobi Zausner
Melissa Ziemer
Jan Zimmerman
Charlotte M. Zinser
Ximena Zuniga
Responses to the Open Letter Against Fat Hatred
(email excerpts)
My aunt sent a copy of your letter to me, you have my permission to add my name to your list of others. I hope that the small minded will finally get the message and realize not everyone is the same that is the beauty of us all and belittling someone for what they believe is just not right.
–Tondaleo M. Allen
Women are discouraged in so many ways from taking up (our rightful) space in this world: size-wise, assertiveness-wise, and by being discouraged from being loud. apparently, we are supposed to be rail-thin, weak, meek and very, very quiet. how boring is that?!
–Jenny Dahlstein
I work at a feminst and anti-racist organization putting together an upcoming event on fat oppression and body image for this spring, we also have lots of bulletin board space. Please let me know if we can post your letter and announce it after classes.
–Geleni Fontaine Brooklyn Women’s Martial Arts, a program of The Center for Anti-Violence Education
We have all had similar experiences, I suspect, and speaking for us, this is a wonderful catharsis for past incidences of fat-attacks! Keep your chins up, and you go, girl!
–Karen and Richard Stimson, Largesse, the Network for Size Esteem
Last April I organized a conference through the UMass School of Public Health titled “The Big Picture: Overcome Weight Prejudice and promoting Health for People of All Sizes.” The conference was held at Mount Holyoke College, was attended by 115 health care professionals and was well received. However, as the reponse to your thoughtful piece suggests,size discrimination and weight prejudice remain with us and need our attention.
I am working on a new conference dealing with the dads & daughters relationship as it impacts girl’s self-esteem and body issues.
–Greg Kline
I’m sorry to see such fear and hate directed at you. I have been feeling very lucky these last few years, since I have a girlfriend who adores my body just the way it is, which provides the best kind of insulation against fat-bashing by the larger culture.
–Tasha Harmon
I was struck by the power and eloquence of your article as well as the ignorance and sadness of the hateful reply. I am an exercise physiologist and nutritionist who has been involved for some years with the Non-diet, Size Acceptance Movement. Keep up the great work and try not to get too discouraged – there are lots of people out there who see this for what it is -a prejudice that needs to be exposed.
–Jonathan Robison, PhD, MS, Executive Co-Director, Michigan Center for Preventive Medicine
Well, we could just give up and say it’s too hard. The media, the weight-loss profiteers, the cosmetic industry, the fitness industry, the fashion industry, and others are all doing their best to keep people from liking themselves the way they are. Couldn’t we take on some fight that didn’t have so many billion-dollar corporate interests opposing our views?Couldn’t we find a way to feel OK about ourselves that didn’t run counter to the cultural propaganda we encounter every single day? You know the answer. This is the battle we have chosen, and if we don’t win it in our lifetimes, then maybe the next generation will. We have no choice but to keep on fighting for our right to live happily in the bodies we have.
–Miriam Berg President, Council on Size and Weight Discrimination
Prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry against fat people is, as bigotry always is, the ignorant response of an uneducated public. I’m glad there are people in the world doing the work to fight against the irrational fear and hatred of fat people.
–Kathy Hogan
Yes, I will sign the letter. I am a 25-year-old kindergarten teacher and Girl Scout volunteer. Feminism and social justice for all are my passions in life, and I have an especially soft spot in my heart for girls growing up in this ridiculously hateful society. Let me know anything else I can do to help spread the message that misogyny will no longer be tolerated in this world.
–Marianne Barlow
OF COURSE I’M SIGNING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am also forwarding it to 16 people plus my belly dance troupe.
I am sorry it took so long to get to this, It’s not for lack of enthusiasm. It’s a combination of being busy and this being a scary thing..I have never written to people asking for fat support.
I see this as an opportunity to stand up against hating women’s bodies, and stand up for loving and caring for ourselves and our women friends–whether fat or thin or in between.
–Marci Riseman
As a fat woman with diabetes, I have to be very vigilant in the face of constant exhortations that losing weight is the only way for someone with my disease to stay healthy. I know by my own experience that this focus is seriously misplaced. By eating a proper diet (avoiding foods high in fat and sugar and increasing the amount of fiber and whole, fresh foods) and getting regular exercise, one can achieve better health (lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and lower blood glucose, if you want to quantify it)
Luckily, I have had the support of a very outspoken and active fat women’s movement here in the Bay Area in forming my attitudes and learning to love myself and take care of myself as a fat woman.
–Rima Kittner
I am so disgusted at the letter you received. Unfortunately I see these attitudes towards endowed (empowered, fat, large) people all the time being a dietitian. People usually assume I have a similar attitude and of course I enlighten them with the fact that health comes in all sizes and that I do not encourage weight loss!
You may add my name in bold and capitalized letters to your list! No matter how tough it gets keep fighting for what you believe in.
–Julie A. Bralek, RD, LD REAL nutrition
I wish you continued strength. Don’t listen to anything that tells you that you have no authority to critique society as-is — you have authority and support that no one can take from you!
–Janesse Leung
I am a 29 year old woman who has been battling image and fat issues since childhood. I am eating disordered as a result of this…We need to change the perceptions that fat is something we wilfully do to ourselves. Fatist attitudes must change, or how else are we to accept who we are and what we look like?It’s time to fight back and break the cycle. If the Willdendorf Venus can be an icon of beauty, so can we.
–Danielle Nunn-Weinberg
We may be three thousand miles away in Oakland, CA, but we are standing shoulder to shoulder with you!
–Timnah Steinman
I am very sorry you had to endure the response letter. I feel so very sad to know that people think that way. My own (physician) father would have been on that list. As I have gotten my nerve to contest him (in my late 30’s, early 40’s), I continually challenge his fat prejudice. He has gotten quieter and quieter in response, until most recently he saw me speak with Glenn Gaesser (author, of Big Fat Lies: The Truth About Your Weight and Your Health }…he asked for a copy of Glenn’s book!!!!! I consider this a personal victory of unimaginable dimensions. It is so gratifying to know that my very intelligent father has opened up to these important messages. –Karin Kratina, MA, RD
I read an article about your organization in Sojourner Magazine, and I was so completely floored that there was an organization devoted to resisting fat hatred! I grew up hating my body, and it is a constant struggle every day not to fall back into the awful habits of anorexia and bulimia that I had all through my school-age years. Despite having an amazing and beautiful fiancé who adores me, and my body (and it drives him nuts that I get so insecure about it so often) and the deep- down knowledge that I am a beautiful person, sometimes the old hatred still comes up. I’ve even modeled! And still sometimes I hate how I look. So I guess I just wanted to say, thank you for having such a wonderful thing going. I used to live in NoHo and I wish I could have gone to the rally you had recently. But if you have any information about anything happening in the Boston area, that would be great. So, again, thank you. It’s really something America needs to see– beautiful people loving who they are despite what society tells them. So, again, thank you.
–Renae Martinez
P.S. For the record, I am 24 years old, and I wish I had found you guys ten years ago! But better late than never, eh? Thanks.