Tag: racism
A Response to Fat White Activism From People of Color in the Fat Justice Movement (2012)
A 2012 letter from fat activist people of color to the fat community.
Weightier Issues Than Diet Await the New Century (1999)
Article by Susan Stinson that resulted in hate mail and an outpouring of community support. Published in the Springfield (MA) Union News/Sunday Republican, December 19, 1999
We Arenʼt Unicorns: Asians, Fatness, and Fatphobia (2008)
by Tara Shuai, 2008
Where are all the allies, and where do we go from here? (2008)
Tara Shuai writes about racism in connection with the 1000 Fat Cranes project. 2008
Rethinking 1000 Fat Cranes (2008)
Tara Shuai addresses racism in fat activism. 2008
FaT GiRL #2 (1995)
Issue #2 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. February, 1995
FaT GiRL #3 (1995)
Issue #3 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. June, 1995
FaT GiRL #5 (1996)
Issue #5 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. April, 1996
Disability Saves the World with Dr. Fady Shanouda Episode 10 with guest Tracy Tidgwell (2019)
A podcast that brings insights from disabled scholars, activists, artists, and allies in disability and mad studies from around the world. Episode 10 (December 2019) welcomes disabled fat queer activist and artist Tracy Tidgwell.
Size Queen (2005)
Size Queen: for queen size queers and our loyal subjects. June, 2005