Title (as given to the record by the creator): FaT GiRL #5
Date(s) of creation: April, 1996
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Physical description: 72 page, 8.5”x11” zine with several pages removed. Printed in black and white with neon green on the cover.
Reference #: FG5-ALL
Source: Max Airborne
Tags: 1990s, actions, advice, anti-diet, April Miller, art, Asian American, baking, Bertha, Bertha Pearl, Beth P, Beverly Hills, bisexuality, body positivity, Botero, butch identity, C.C. Dane, charcoal, Charlotte Cooper, chocolate, Christianity, Christine, Daisy Fields, drawings, eating, Elana Dykewomon, eM Robinson, erotica, fat, fat activism, fat art, fat comics, fat dyke, fat dykes, fat events, FaT GiRL, fat lesbian, fat liberation, Fat Lip Readers Theatre, fat organizations, fat queer sex, fat queers, fat representation, fat role models, fat sex, fat sexuality, fat smut, fat studies, fat thought, fat women, Fat!So?, fatphobia, Fish, food, gender expression, gender perception, Hannah R.T., health, history, ideas, jewish, JJ Cooley, Kelle “Beastie” Boeninghaus, Kit Gingrich, Lane Bryant, Laura Johnston, Laurie Avocado, Lea Arellano, Lea E. Arellano, leather, lesbian, Lesbian Avengers, Lori Ann Selke, Lori Selke, M.G. Cimino, Mama Cass, Margo Mercedes Rivera, Max Airborne, Maxbear Finkelstein, medical, Megaera, Michigan, Moon Sisters Drum Camp, New York City, news, nudity, Oso, Pacific Islander, peanut butter, personal narrative, photography, poetry, portraits, protest, Prozac, public sex, puzzles, queer, race and gender, racism, recipe, report, resources, reviews, roundtable, s/m, San Francisco, Selena, sex, sexuality, sisterhood, sleep, sleep apnea, smut, Sondra Solo, Sondra Solovay, stories, strap-on, surveys, Susan Roberts, Susannah, sweets, The Invisible Woman, WOC, Yodel Sloth, zines
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