Title (as given to the record by the creator): FaT GiRL #6
Date(s) of creation: August, 1996
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Physical description: 64 page, 8.5”x11” zine. Printed in black and white with teal on the cover.
Reference #: FG6-ALL
Source: Max Airborne
Tags: 1990s, advice, Anna Nicole Smith, anti-diet, April Miller, art, athletics, beach, Bertha, Bertha Pearl, bill of rights, bisexuality, Black lesbian, bullying, butch, butch-butch relationships, call out, Candida Albicans Royale, Central Valley, Charlotte Cooper, childhood, Chrystos, collage, crip sex, curvy, death, Dirtybird, Dyke March, E.G.M., editorial, Estibaliz Sadaba, events, exercise, fat, fat activism, fat art, fat comics, fat dyke, fat dykes, fat erasure, FaT GiRL, FaT GiRL collective, fat kids, fat lesbian, fat liberation, fat pleasure, fat queer sex, fat queers, fat representation, fat rights, fat sex, fat smut, fat sports, fat thought, fat watch, fatphobia, fitness, food, Freddie Baer, Gender, gender taboos, Hadas, Hayward, health, homophobia, interviews, Judith Black, Kissing Bandits, Lane Bryant, Laura Johnston, Lea Arellano, Leah M, Leah Rachel, Lori Ann Selke, Lori Selke, Lukas Blakk, Making Waves, Margo Mercedes Rivera, Mary Frances Platt, masturbation, Max Airborne, Megaera, memorial, Michigan, Miss Universe, Modesto, mothers, Ms. magazine, nomy lamm, nudity, Oso, photography, pleasure, poetry, punk, queer, queercore, San Francisco, Selena, smut, Sondra Solo, Sondra Solovay, songs, sports, stories, stress, suicide, survey, Susannah, swimming, swimsuit, Terri Jewell, weight loss, weight oppression, zines
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