Tag: art
Venus Envy (1993)
An early 90s zine from the midwest US.
Iron Maidens (2003)
A sculptural, responsive, fat art installation by Amanda Piasecki.
Weightier Issues Than Diet Await the New Century (1999)
Article by Susan Stinson that resulted in hate mail and an outpouring of community support. Published in the Springfield (MA) Union News/Sunday Republican, December 19, 1999
FaT GiRL #5 (1996)
Issue #5 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. April, 1996
FaT GiRL #6 (1996)
Issue #6 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. August, 1996
Plump the Post! (2018)
Plump the Post! is a raucous interruption of correspondence art’s “business as usual.” It’s a mail art intervention that centers and celebrates fat queer iconography.
FaT GiRL #7 (1997)
Issue #7 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. May, 1997.
Size Queen (2005)
Size Queen: for queen size queers and our loyal subjects. June, 2005
Fat Performance DIY Workshop Workbook (2021)
A zine by participants of the Fat Performance DIY Workshop, London, March, 2021
Tantalising Glimpses: A LADA Study Room Guide on Fat (2020)
This guide explores Live Art Development Agency’s holdings on fat and Live Art. It’s also about what it’s like to be in the space whilst fat and about finding hidden knowledge. 2021 by Charlotte Cooper.
The Blob (2016)
This zine accompanied a performance by Charlotte Cooper at the Wellcome Collection museum in London in 2016.