Tantalising Glimpses: A LADA Study Room Guide on Fat (2020)

Title: Tantalising Glimpses: A LADA Study Room Guide on Fat
Date(s) of Creation: 2020
Location: London, UK
Creator: Charlotte Cooper
Physical Description: Link to a PDF
Source: Charlotte Cooper
Links: [ Download PDF from LADA site ] [ Charlotte’s Website ]

Tantalising Glimpses: A LADA Study Room Guide on Fat

This guide, commissioned and published in 2020 by the Live Art Development Agency, explores the organisation’s holdings on fat and Live Art. It’s also about what it’s like to be in the space whilst fat and about finding hidden knowledge.

[Image description: Colorful zine cover, with pink and blue airbrushed-looking background. A central photo with an orange border shows 9 white people of various sizes gathered on a paved area outside a building for the “Fattylimpics” sporting event. It’s a spitting contest, with a fat person in animal-print leggings, bright blue t-shirt and a front-facing black fanny pack leaning over intently to spit on a BMI chart laid on the ground. The contest wears an orange sweatband on their head, as do many of the folks who are around them, watching and cheering, and appearing to be waiting their turn to spit on the BMI. Around the photo in puffy pink letters it says “Tantalising Glimpses: A LADA Study Room Guide on Fat, Charlotte Cooper.” And in orange, “2020.”]

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