Category: Articles / Essays

A conversation about fat activism among activists in community with Nolose (2021)

By Sarah Doherty, Shana McDavis-Conway, Adrienne Hill, Elaine Lee, Sydney Lewis, Aaminah Shakur, Cicely Smith from Fat Studies Journal, 2021.

Doing Donahue (1986)

by Judy Freespirit, Common Lives / Lesbian Lives Issue 20, 1986

From a Fat Dyke…(1982)

by Sheena Ann Lawrence, Common Lives / Lesbian Lives 6, 1982

THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US (but it’s for our own good) (1981)

by Kelly, from Common Lives / Lesbian Lives, Issue #1, 1981

To Love and Be Loved From the Fat Perspective (2020)

By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice

Leaning Into Insecurity and Ugliness As An Essential Politic (2020)

I want us to know Insecurity as intimately as we know the marginalized pieces of ourselves: as valid, as identities, and as political. By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice

Fat People Must Become a Priority to the Left (2019)

Fat folks carry the weight of the work in left spaces while our bodies and material realities are continually othered and written off. By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice

Desirability: Do You Really Love Fat People When You Can’t Even See Us Beyond The Political? (2019)

Our bodies take up more space than the world ever makes for us, yet somehow desirability finds a way to keep us out. By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice

How ‘Queen & Slim’ Mistreats Fat Black Folks (2019)

By Da’Shaun Harrison from Wear Your Voice

Forcing Children To Lose Weight Is Child Abuse (2020)

Forcing exercise and diets on your children is an attempt to punish them for their (perceived) fatness and that is abuse. by Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice

Fat Studies, Body and Desirability Politics: A Reading List (2020)

These authors and their books are shaping fat studies in essential ways. By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice.

Diet Culture and Weight Loss Programs Are A Scam (2020)

By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice, 2020.

Celebrating Adele’s Weight “Loss” Promotes Fatphobia and Misogyny (2020)

By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice Magazine, May, 2020.

Not All Fat Black Boys Know How to Eat (2020)

By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice Magazine, June 2020.

La Asistencia social como un asunto de las mujeres (1972)

Artículo por Johnnie Tillmon, del Servicio de Noticias de Liberación (US) 1972

Concerning Fat Dykes: A Fat “Womonifesto” / Miss Fat Manners Rules of Etiquette (1986)

Two short pieces by Valley Fat Dykes, from Common Lives/Lesbian Lives issue 20, 1986.

Climate Change Disasters Leave Fat and Disabled People Even More Vulnerable to Harm (2021)

By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice, 2021.

Cuerpos sin patrones (2016)

Compilación de ensayos sobre activismo gordx. Por Laura Contrera y Nicolás Cuello (Compiladores)

La Cerda Punk: Ensayos desde un Feminismo Gordo, Lésbiko, Antikapitalista y Antiespecista (2014)

The Punk Pig: Essays from a Fat, Lesbian, Anti-Capitalist and Anti-species Feminism. by Constanzx Alvarez Castillo, 2014

Towards a Fatter Insurrection: Introduction to a Revolutionary Body Liberation Movement (2015)

Article by Shane Burley from 2015, published by the Institute for Anarchist Studies.

Discovering the Truth (1999)

An interview with medical rights champion Lynn McAfee.
By B. Shanewood
From Radiance Winter 1999

Fat, Fitness and Exercise – health or healthism? (1983)

An article by Karen Scott-Jones, published in the Ample Apple Newsletter, 1983.

Fat Women and Feminism (1974)

An article by Karen Jones, published in the Connecticut NOW Newsletter, 1974.

Fat and Female – One Woman’s View (1974)

An article by Karen Jones, published in the NAAFA Newsletter, 1974.

Making a Big Splash (1997)

Judith Stein on the pleasures of water aerobics. 1997

Weightier Issues Than Diet Await the New Century (1999)

Article by Susan Stinson that resulted in hate mail and an outpouring of community support. Published in the Springfield (MA) Union News/Sunday Republican, December 19, 1999

Resisting Fat Hatred (2000)

Susan Stinson’s reportback from a protest. April, 2000.

On the heels of NOLOSE: a lesson on the intersections of fat, class, commerce, and race (2008)

by Tara Shuai, 2008

We Arenʼt Unicorns: Asians, Fatness, and Fatphobia (2008)

by Tara Shuai, 2008

Slut shaming and the politics of tight clothes (2009)

by Tara Shuai