Fat Activist Vernacular (2019)

Title (as given to the record by the creator):  Fat Activist Vernacular
Date(s) of creation:  2019
Creator / author / publisher:  Charlotte Cooper
Location: London, UK
Physical description:
Reference #:  Fat-Activist-Vernacular
Source: Charlotte Cooper
[ Charlotte Cooper’s website ]

Fat Activist Vernacular

Fat Activist Vernacular, a fat queer feminist glossary, is a powerful and witty exploration of fat as a cultural, social and political experience.

Each of the 600+ entries is a universe, showing that there is more to being fat than obesity rhetoric.

Once a best-selling zine, this massively expanded and revised second edition is for anyone interested in social transformation through culture-making.

Get it at Charlotte Cooper’s website.

[Image description: Cover image: “Charlotte Cooper: Fat Activist Vernacular” [Image of an apple wrapped with a measuring tape that says “massively expanded and revised second edition.”]

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