Fat Fuck (2002)

Title (as given to the record by the creator): Fat Fuck
Date(s) of creation: September 21, 2002
Creator / author / publisher: Sondra Solovay and Timnah Steinman
Location: New York, NY
Physical description: 
An event program or playbill. A red, letter-sized piece of paper folded in half and printed on  both sides.
Reference #: FatFuck-Ladyfest
Source: Max Airborne
Links: [ PDF ] [ 2002 Play Script ] [ 2003 Event Program ]

Fat Fuck, 2002 (Playbill)

Fat Fuck 

a play by Sondra Solovay and Timnah Steinman  

[image description: A black and white photograph printed on red paper shows five smiling cast members posing lovingly together. They appear to be a gender-diverse group of queer people with light skin tones in their 20s to 40s ranging in size from thin to superfat. Some wear form-fitting clothes and lingerie while others wear t-shirts and flannel; some have visible tattoos.]

LadyFest East  
Theater for the New City  
155 First Avenue, NYC  
8 pm, Sat. Sept. 21, 2002 

About Fat Fuck  

“Fat Fuck” weaves together stories of survival,  enlightenment, fulfillment and ecstasy. Based on  true-life survival stories, Fat Fuck is a powerful,  revolutionary, funny, erotic play about fat dykes and  trannies surviving childhood and learning to thrive.  It will leave you dripping and drooling! Fat Fuck premiered at several sold-out shows as part of San Francisco’s Dyke Drama 2002 Festival. The cast came  to NYC from San Francisco to do this ONE SHOW ONLY -­ don’t miss it!  

Authors: Timnah Steinman and Sondra Solovay 
Original Director: Claudia L. Vierra Allen 
Original Assistant Director: Pam Dunn  
Stage Crew: Aisha Berger and Joe Samson  

Cast List:  
Max Airborne as Nora  
Mikal Gilmore as Alex  
[redacted] as Ramona  
Sondra Solovay as Sam  
Timnah Steinman as Gloria  

The playwrights would like to thank Max Airborne,  Tina Arroyo, Erica Berman, Sasha Goldberg, and Joe  Samson for their brave contributions to this play.  

Contact info: (510) XXX-XXXX  
email: fatfuck@beyondbias.org 

The Cast

Max Airborne is a musician, artist, witch, and  creator of fat culture, She is co-founder of the zine FaTGiRL, and also of the FatDykes  email discussion list. Other creative efforts  include Witch Eye, Creamy Goodness, and her band, which still has no name. “Fat Fuck” is  her theatrical debut.  [image description: Oval headshot of Max, a white, superfat queer in their 30s with a shaved head and glasses}

Mikal Gilmore is an aspiring tattooist  and butch-about-town. She has a diverse creative background as a musician and an artist,  “Fat Fuck” is her first plunge into the wonderful world of theater, She would like to  thank her lady, Aisha, for encouraging and inspiring her to test these waters.   [image description: Oval headshot of Mikal, a small fat queer in her 30s with short dark hair and a toothy grin.]


Sondra Solovay is a queer, goth-side-of punk, fat freedom fighter, Bod Squad member, former FaTGiRL collective member,  writer, lawyer, and general mayhem-maker.  This is her first performance worried about  lights and props instead of permits and cops. [image description: Oval headshot of Sondra, a superfat white femme dyke with big, curly, shoulder-length dark hair pulled back from her face with a bandana. The shoulder straps of her camisole are visible in the frame.]

Timnah Steinman is a queer dyke, fat educator, guerilla performer, Bod Squad  rally chick, and founding member of the  Padded Lilies, a fat women’s synchronized  swim team. Addicted to words, bright lights,  and applause since she could walk, “Fat Fuck” does mark her debut onstage in a velvet  thong.  [image description: Oval headshot of Timnah, a big fat white dyke with thick, short, dark hair, shaped eyebrows, and dark lipstick.]

We created “Fat Fuck” to share fat dyke and  fat tranny stories — to document this part of the fat-queer experience and to give hope and inspiration to those of us still fighting for survival. It is vital for marginalized people to see ourselves reflected in art, to see our own struggle, our own beauty, and our own experiences. Weaving common experiences together, and sharing that experience with others, creates culture. And we need to create our own culture, because we are fed up with being left out of art and movies and magazines and television and theater …. Unless someone needs to make a joke, in which case we are suddenly very  popular!  

Fuok that shit! We create our own culture. We craft our own reality. We make the world we want to live in. We find the commonality of experience and are awakened.  

We hope, with this play, to participate in creating a culture where our experiences are recognized, where we fight together against shame and isolation, and where we find our own power. We encourage you to tell your own fierce, aohing,  triumphant stories. Speak out about your experience. Ask each other questions. Write down the answers. Do it now.  

Publish it. Perform it. Make art reflect you,make our culture see you, and make your own culture. Document our stories so that they are not  lost, so that the fat experience does not disappear — as so many fat people have disappeared.  

We will not be disappeared. 

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