Fat Fuck (2003)

Title (as given to the record by the creator): Fat Fuck
Date(s) of creation: July, 2003
Creator / author / publisher: Sondra Solovay and Timnah Steinman
Physical description: 
An event program or playbill. A red, letter-sized piece of paper folded in half and printed on  both sides.
Reference #: FatFuck-nolose
Source: Max Airborne
Links: [ PDF ] [ 2002 Event Program ] [ 2002 Play Script ]

Fat Fuck, 2003 (Playbill)


[image description: A black and white photograph printed on red paper shows six smiling cast members posing lovingly together. They appear to be a gender-diverse group of queer people with light skin tones in their 20s to 40s ranging in size from thin to superfat. Some wear form-fitting clothes and lingerie while others wear t-shirts and flannel; some have visible tattoos.]

A Play by Sondra Solovay and Timnah Steinman

Expanded and revised for this one-time performance at NOLOSE, Fat Fuck is a powerful, revolutionary, funny, poignant and erotic play about fat dykes and trannies.

The original Fat Fuck premiered at several sold-out show as part of San Francisco’s Dyke Drama 2002 Festival, followed by a standing-room only performance at 2002’s Lady Fest East in NYC.

We created Fat Fuck to share fat dyke and fat tranny stories – to document this part of the fat-queer experience and to give hope and inspiration to those of us still fighting for survival. 

It is vital for marginalized people to see ourselves reflected in art, to see our own struggle, our own beauty, and our own experiences. Weaving common experiences together, and sharing that experience with others, creates culture. And we need to create our own culture, because we are fed up with being left out of art and movies and magazines and television and theater…. Unless someone needs to make a joke, in which case we are suddenly very popular! 

Fuck that shit! We create our own culture. We craft our own reality. We make the world we want to live in. We find the commonality of experience and are awakened. 

We hope, with this play, to participate in creating a culture where our experiences are recognized, where we fight together against shame and isolation, and where we find our own power. We encourage you to tell your own fierce, aching, triumphant stories. Speak out about your experience. Ask each other questions. Write down the answers. Do it now. 

Publish it. Perform it. Make art reflect you, make our culture see you, and make your own culture. Document our stories so that they are not lost, so that the fat experience does not disappear – as so many fat people have disappeared. 

We will not be disappeared. 

Fat Fuck Cast:

Max Airborne is a full-time musician, witch, submissive, organizer and fat-culture creator. She lives in the SF Bay area, where she writes songs and performs with her fat-dyke band, Creamy Goodness. Max was a co-founder of the 90’s ‘zine FaT GiRL, and started the FatDykes email list, which has been thriving for almost 10 years! Fat Fuck is her theatrical debut.


Heather MacAllister is a San Francisco based artist/activist. She is also known as Ms. DeMeanor, founding artistic director of Big Burlesque / The Original Fat Bottom Review.

Joe Samson is positively thrilled to be a part of Fat Fuck. Joe has been seen on the Luna Sea stage performing. He can also be found at SFSU finishing his BA. He is a transplanted Canadian, 3rd gender person who lives in Oakland with his lovely Mistress. He was recently published in the new anthology Finding the Real Me – check it out!

Sondra Solovay is a femme-side-of-queer, goth-side-of-punk, fat freedom fighter, founding Bod Squad member, former FaTGIRL collective member, lawyer, and general mayhem-maker. She wrote Tipping the Scales of Justice: Fighting Weight-Based Discrimination and teaches about weight diversity through Beyond Bias Training. She is grateful to San Francisco’s Luna Sea theater; all the fat-hatred survivors who, by sharing stories, breathed life into the play; the supportive volunteers of all sizes; her gifted and dynamic co-author; her darling Plaku; and the exceptional people who have forever committed to memory the words of Fat Fuck.

Timnah Steinman is a queer dyke, fat educator, teacher, writer, guerilla performer, Bod Squad rally chick, founding member of the Padded Lilies – a fat women’s synchronized swim team – and subversive nudnick. Addicted to words, bright lights, and applause since she could walk, Fat Fuck reclaims for her a childhood dream too long deferred – because everyone just “knew” that you couldn’t be fat and successful on stage. She is overjoyed to be a fat and working actor today.

Directors: Sondra Solovay and Timnah Steinman

Assistant to the Directors: Christine Louise Johnson 

The playwrights would like to thank: 

Luna Sea Women’s Performance Project and Claudia Vierra-Allen, the original director of Fat Fuck. 

All the hard workers who volunteered at our fundraiser — the Big Babes Bargain Bazaar: Jan Herzog, Jukie Sunshine, Axel G., Pamela Willard, Cian Dawson, Pat Dixon, Judy Graboyes, Amy Adams, and each member of the Fat Fuck cast. 

Teresa Jeanette Brogan-Colter and all the other well-dressed clothing contributors to our Bazaar. 

Gloria Polo for her beautiful cast photos. 


Kina Williams for her empowering and generous cast photo shoot, and Sossity Chiricuzio for her eye for detail and her contagious enthusiasm. 

Axel G. for her cheerful “no problem” late night prop assistance. (handygurl@earthlink.net) 

Max Airborne, Tina Arroyo, Erica Berman, Sasha Goldberg, and Joe Samson for their brave written contributions. 

The organizers of NOLCSE for their invitation to perform Fat Fuck, and their investment — both financial and personal — to get everything we need to perform our play for you. 

Many thanks to: Amanda, Marilyn, Christine, Toby, Dina, Claudia, Deva, and Christine. 

Finally, we would like to thank the fat and queer activists who work so very hard to be heard and to be seen: we could not do this without all of those who have come before us and all of our contemporaries fighting for fat freedom. Thank you all.

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