Tag: nolose
A conversation about fat activism among activists in community with Nolose (2021)
By Sarah Doherty, Shana McDavis-Conway, Adrienne Hill, Elaine Lee, Sydney Lewis, Aaminah Shakur, Cicely Smith from Fat Studies Journal, 2021.
NOLOSE Keynote Address, Heather MacAllister (2006)
Heather MacAllister’s Keynote Address at NOLOSE (fat, queer conference) in 2006 at Menla Mountain Retreat Center in Phoenicia, NY, US.
NOLOSE Keynote Address by Geleni Fontaine (2008)
Geleni Fontaine’s keynote address given at NOLOSE (fat queer conference) in 2008, in Northampton, MA, US.
NOLOSE Fatlandia postcard (2013)
“Greetings from FATLANDIA” postcard from NOLOSE 2013 in Portland.
A Response to Fat White Activism From People of Color in the Fat Justice Movement (2012)
A 2012 letter from fat activist people of color to the fat community.
Resisting Fat Hatred (2000)
Susan Stinson’s reportback from a protest. April, 2000.
Big Fat Flea organizing notes (2016)
Tara Shuai’s notes for a presentation about the Big Fat Flea, given as part of a panel on fat activism at Barnard College in 2016: “Fat Activism and Intersectionality at the Edges: Making Movements Sustainable.”
Fat is Floating (2011)
A small zine from Austin J. Austin, made at nolose in Oakland, 2011.
Fat Fuck (2003)
Fat Fuck, a play by Sondra Solovay and Timnah Steinman. From a performance at nolose, 2003.
Plump the Post! (2018)
Plump the Post! is a raucous interruption of correspondence art’s “business as usual.” It’s a mail art intervention that centers and celebrates fat queer iconography.
The Fat of the Land: A Queer Chub Harvest Festival (2009)
Event programme from The Fat of The Land: A Queer Chub Harvest Festival, which took place in London, October, 2009.
A Queer and Trans Fat Activist Timeline (2010)
A multi-dimensional project concerned with documenting queer and trans fat feminist community histories and memories. Charlotte Cooper, 2010