Title (as given to the record by the creator): Roster – Fat Underground Members
Date(s) of creation: unknown
Creator / author / publisher: Karen Stimson, Largesse
Location: Venice, CA USA
Physical description: one typed page
Reference #: FU-Roster
Source: Largesse Fat Liberation Archive
Links: [ PDF ]
Roster–Fat Underground Members*
(listed alphabetically by first name)
Aldebaran (Vivian K. Mayer, now Sara Golda Bracha Fishman, Ph.D.)
Ariana (Karen) Manov
Betty Shermer
Bobbi Karmel
Donna Moore
Gudrun Fonfa
Judy Freespirit
Lynn Mabel-Lois (now Lynn McAfee)
Melanie Osbourne
Merry Demarest
Sharon Bas Hannah (now Sharon Robinson, M.A.)
Sheri Fram
Syd Jasso
*Note: This list includes members of the Radical Feminist Therapy Collective (RFTC) and the Fat Women’s Problem-Solving Group, which were both closely connected to the Fat Underground.