Tag: Fat Underground
Discovering the Truth (1999)
An interview with medical rights champion Lynn McAfee.
By B. Shanewood
From Radiance Winter 1999
FaT GiRL #1 (1994)
Issue #1 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. October, 1994
FaT GiRL #2 (1995)
Issue #2 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. February, 1995
The Fat Underground Speaks (1974)
Audio recordings from the Fat Underground, 1974.
Life In The Fat Underground (1998)
Sara Golda Bracha Fishman tells the story of the Fat Underground. From Radiance, 1998.
Group Contends ‘Fat Is Beautiful’ (1973)
A article from the Hartford Courant in 1973.
More Women are on Diets than in Jail (1974)
A series of short rants by members of the Fat Underground, published in SISTER in 1974.
Fat Liberation Manifesto (1973)
The Fat Liberation Manifesto. By Judy Freespirit and Aldebaran.
Venice newspaper clipping (1976)
An article about a fat underground action, from an unknown newspaper.
The Women’s Center (1975)
The Women’s Center’s 1975 descriptions of the Fat Underground and the L.A. Radical Feminist Therapy Collective.
Fat Underground Throws Weight Into Obesity War (1976)
An article about The Fat Underground from the Los Angeles Times. Jan. 8, 1976.
Fat is Fine (1976?)
An article about a Fat Underground presentation, from an unknown newspaper.
Why Not Just Stay Fat? (1976)
An article about Fat Underground and interview with Lynn Mabel-Lois, published in Evening Outlook. 1976.
we are not our enemies (1973)
A article by Aldebaran, published in SISTER in 1973.
Naomi Cohen Choked on the Culture (1974)
An article by Sharon Bas Hannah of the Fat Underground, published in Sister West Coast Feminist Newspaper. 1974
Sexism (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper. 1974.
Roster – Fat Underground Members (1970s)
A list of women who were part of the Fat Underground and affiliated groups. By Karen Stimson.
Fat Underground Questionnaire (1974)
A Fat Underground questionnaire looking at anti-fat bias.
Psychiatry (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper, by Lynn Mabel-Lois. 1974.
Stereotype Yourself! (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper, by Lynn Mabel-Lois. 1974.
Humor (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper, by Lynn Mabel-Lois. 1974.
Health of Fat Women…the Real Problem (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper. 1974.
Furniture in the Public (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper by Lucia S. Williams. 1974
Eating (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper. 1974.
Job Discrimination (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper. 1974
Before You Go on a Diet / Antes de Hacer Dieta (1974)
A Fat Underground pamphlet aimed at people who diet. English and Spanish. 1974
Health of Fat People: the Scare Story Your Doctor Won’t Tell You (1974)
A Fat Underground paper by Aldebaran. 1974
A Fat Women’s Problem-Solving Group: Radical Change (1978)
A report from members of the 1973-74 Fat Women’s Problem-Solving Group.
Fat Feminist Herstory (1993)
Timeline of fat feminist events from 1969-1993. By Karen Stimson
The Political History of Fat Liberation: An Interview (1981)
On February 1, 1981 two members of The Second Wave collective interviewed ReaRae Sears and Judith Stein, two Boston feminists active in the Fat Liberation movement. This is an edited excerpt from that interview.