Tag: health
Diet Culture and Weight Loss Programs Are A Scam (2020)
By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice, 2020.
Not All Fat Black Boys Know How to Eat (2020)
By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice Magazine, June 2020.
Climate Change Disasters Leave Fat and Disabled People Even More Vulnerable to Harm (2021)
By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice, 2021.
Interdependence and Healing Justice: A Holistic Perspective (2013)
Keynote Speech by Geleni Fontaine,
Philly Trans Health Conference,
June, 2013
Venus Envy (1993)
An early 90s zine from the midwest US.
Discovering the Truth (1999)
An interview with medical rights champion Lynn McAfee.
By B. Shanewood
From Radiance Winter 1999
Fat, Fitness and Exercise – health or healthism? (1983)
An article by Karen Scott-Jones, published in the Ample Apple Newsletter, 1983.
Weightier Issues Than Diet Await the New Century (1999)
Article by Susan Stinson that resulted in hate mail and an outpouring of community support. Published in the Springfield (MA) Union News/Sunday Republican, December 19, 1999
Speech delivered at the speak-out Resisting Fat Hatred — Miriam Berg (2000)
Miriam Berg’s speech from the speak-out Resisting Fat Hatred, Northampton, MA, March 4, 2000
The Silent Tragedy: a brief overview of the non-diet paradigm to promote health for people of all sizes (2000)
Greg Kline’s speech from the speak-out Resisting Fat Hatred
March 4, 2000, Northampton, MA
A speech delivered at the speak-out Resisting Fat Hatred – Susan Stinson (2000)
Susan Stinson’s speech from the Resisting Fat Hatred Speakout in Northampton Mass. March 4, 2000
FaT GiRL #4 (1995)
Issue #4 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. October, 1995
Trimming the Fat for Profit: an Essay on Fat Liberation (1982)
Article by Judith Stein, from WomenWise, The New Hampshire Feminist Health Center Quarterly; Winter, 1982.
Fat Liberation and the Women’s Health Movement (1980)
Speech by Judith Stein at the New Haven Women’s Health Conference, 1980.
FaT GiRL #5 (1996)
Issue #5 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. April, 1996
Health of Fat Women…the Real Problem (1974)
A Fat Underground position paper. 1974.
Health of Fat People: the Scare Story Your Doctor Won’t Tell You (1974)
A Fat Underground paper by Aldebaran. 1974
A Fat Women’s Problem-Solving Group: Radical Change (1978)
A report from members of the 1973-74 Fat Women’s Problem-Solving Group.
FaT GiRL #6 (1996)
Issue #6 of FaT GiRL: the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them. August, 1996