Category: 2010s
Fat People Must Become a Priority to the Left (2019)
Fat folks carry the weight of the work in left spaces while our bodies and material realities are continually othered and written off. By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice
Desirability: Do You Really Love Fat People When You Can’t Even See Us Beyond The Political? (2019)
Our bodies take up more space than the world ever makes for us, yet somehow desirability finds a way to keep us out. By Da’Shaun Harrison, from Wear Your Voice
How ‘Queen & Slim’ Mistreats Fat Black Folks (2019)
By Da’Shaun Harrison from Wear Your Voice
Fat: The Play: The Zine (2014)
A zine produced by the cast and crew of Fat: The Play. Caleb Luna, Jules Pashall, Erin Burrows, Althea Clemons, Nicole Arteaga, Dan Miller, Sandy Pee. Austin, TX, US, 2014
Cuerpos sin patrones (2016)
Compilación de ensayos sobre activismo gordx. Por Laura Contrera y Nicolás Cuello (Compiladores)
Interdependence and Healing Justice: A Holistic Perspective (2013)
Keynote Speech by Geleni Fontaine,
Philly Trans Health Conference,
June, 2013
La Cerda Punk: Ensayos desde un Feminismo Gordo, Lésbiko, Antikapitalista y Antiespecista (2014)
The Punk Pig: Essays from a Fat, Lesbian, Anti-Capitalist and Anti-species Feminism. by Constanzx Alvarez Castillo, 2014
Towards a Fatter Insurrection: Introduction to a Revolutionary Body Liberation Movement (2015)
Article by Shane Burley from 2015, published by the Institute for Anarchist Studies.
Movements of Luxurious Exuberance: Georges Bataille and Fat Politics (2015)
A paper by Lynne Gerber, published in “Negative Ecstasies: Georges Bataille and the Study of Religion.” 2015
NOLOSE Fatlandia postcard (2013)
“Greetings from FATLANDIA” postcard from NOLOSE 2013 in Portland.
A Response to Fat White Activism From People of Color in the Fat Justice Movement (2012)
A 2012 letter from fat activist people of color to the fat community.
Big Fat Flea organizing notes (2016)
Tara Shuai’s notes for a presentation about the Big Fat Flea, given as part of a panel on fat activism at Barnard College in 2016: “Fat Activism and Intersectionality at the Edges: Making Movements Sustainable.”
Fat is Floating (2011)
A small zine from Austin J. Austin, made at nolose in Oakland, 2011.
Encounters with Nature (2019)
An autobiographical queer zine, stories from Charlotte Cooper’s life told through otherworldly encounters with wild animals.
Fat Activist Vernacular (2019)
Fat Activist Vernacular, a fat queer feminist glossary, is a powerful and witty exploration of fat as a cultural, social and political experience. By Charlotte Cooper.
Plump the Post! (2018)
Plump the Post! is a raucous interruption of correspondence art’s “business as usual.” It’s a mail art intervention that centers and celebrates fat queer iconography.
Fat Queer Community Heart Circle & Potluck Brunch (2011)
Fat Queer Community Heart Circle & Potluck Brunch, Oakland, CA
September 24, 2011
Fat Farm #3 (2019)
Present-day obsessions lead to memories of childhood indoctrination into fat-hating culture. A look at Foucault’s panopticism, internalized surveillance, and fat hatred in modern society. Comic by Max Airborne, 2019.
Fat Farm #2 (2019)
An ended friendship triggers memories of life as a queer fat kid in a psychiatric institution, and pocket-sized tools of resistance in desperate times. Comic by Max Airborne, 2019
No More Stitch-Ups! Developing Media Literacy Through Fat Activist Community Research (2014)
A 2014 community survey about media literacy for fat activists. By Charlotte Cooper
A Queer and Trans Fat Activist Timeline (2010)
A multi-dimensional project concerned with documenting queer and trans fat feminist community histories and memories. Charlotte Cooper, 2010
The Blob (2016)
This zine accompanied a performance by Charlotte Cooper at the Wellcome Collection museum in London in 2016.