Title (as given to the record by the creator): FaT GiRL #2
Date(s) of creation: February, 1995
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Physical description: 72 page, 8.5”x11” zine with several pages removed. Printed in black and white with orange on the cover.
Reference #: FG2-ALL
Source: Max Airborne
Tags: 1990s, 1994 Young Playwrights Festival, 4 Big Girls, access, accessibility, actions, advice, age, Aldebaran, Amiee Ross, anarchism, anti-diet, April Miller, Around the Table, Barbarism, Bertha Pearl, Betty Rose Dudley, Body Image Task Force, books, Britain, Candida Albicans Royale, Carolyn King, Cath Thompson, cats, Charlotte Cooper, childhood, chubby chasers, Clark Lee & Sydnor Public Relations, clothing, comics, community, concern trolling, cooking, dancing, dangers of dieting, Deb Parks-Satterfield, Debbie Notkin, defining fat, desirability, diet industry, Dina Palivos, dyke community, Edgar Allan Poe, Elana Dykewomon, Elizabeth Stark, events, fat, fat activism, fat and disability, fat comics, fat discrimination, fat dyke, fat dykes, fat fetish, fat fiction, FaT GiRL, FaT GiRL collective, fat hatred, fat lesbian, fat lesbians, fat liberation, fat love, fat movies, fat music, fat organizations, fat phobia, fat politics, fat queer culture, fat queer sex, fat queers, fat representation, fat resources, fat sex, fat smut, fat teens, fat thought, Fat Underground, fat zines, fatphobia, Fish, food, food porn, Gender, hankies, hanky code, Heather Clark, homophobia, hygiene, ideas, intergenerational relationships, internalized ableism, internalized fat hatred, Jasmine Marah, Judy Freespirit, Junkyard, kink, kitchen slut, Kwanzaa, Laura Johnston, Laurie Toby Edison, Lea Arellano, Lesbians and Gays of African Descent for Democratic Actions (LAGADDA), Madeleine George, Malaina Poore, Max Airborne, muff dive, NAAFA, Osa Shade, Oso, performance art, photography, poetry, queer, queer culture, racism, radical feminism, radical politics, rants & raves, recipes, review, reviews, roundtable, Sal H, San Francisco, second wave feminism, Selena, sexuality, Shadow on a Tightrope, Sinister Wisdom, smut, Sondra Solovay, Steph, stories, superfat, survey, Susan Stinson, symbols, Syndee Branton, theater, Trouble and Strife, Val, wiping
Links: [ PDF ] [ FaT GiRL Searchable Archive ]
For full transcripts and image descriptions of FaT GiRL, visit the FaT GiRL Archive.