Title (as given to the record by the creator): FaT GiRL #3
Date(s) of creation: June, 1995
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
Physical description: 72 page, 8.5”x11” zine with several pages removed. Printed in black and white with red on the cover.
Reference #: FG3-ALL
Source: Max Airborne
Tags: accessibility, actions, advice, Amiee, Amiee Ross, ancestors, April Miller, archeology, Barbarism, bay area, bdsm, Bearded Lady, belonging, Bertha, Betty Rose Dudley, bios, boot worship, breasts, Candida, Candida Albicans Royale, Cath Thompson, Cathie Dunsford, Charlene, Charlotte Cooper, Christine, circus ladies, class, clothing, comics, concern trolling, consent, contributors, cooking, Crystal, Crystal Mason, Dana Blumrosen, Debora Iyall, depression, desirability, Diane Dimassa, disability, Dorothy Allison, dykesonbikes, Edith Massey, egg lady, erotica, fantasy, fat, fat activism, fat and disability, fat art, fat community, fat culture, fat dyke, fat dykes, fat femmes, FaT GiRL, Fat Girl Dances With Rocks, fat girl sex, fat harness, fat hatred, fat health, fat history, fat jurists, fat movies, fat organizations, fat queer community, fat queer history, fat queer sex, fat representation, fat resources, fat studies, fat thought, fat watch, Fat Women’s Gathering, fat zines, FaTGiRL, fatphobia, Fish, fisting, food, Hawaii, health benefits of fat, history, Hothead Paisan, ideas, impact play, intergenerational relationships, interviews, Jill Posener, Junkyard, Karen Stimson, kink, Laura Johnston, Laura Winton, Lea Arellano, leather, Lesbian Connection, letters, Lila R, Lila Sophia Robinwood, Lori Ann Selke, Lori Selke, M Gillaspie, making love, Maria Cimino, Marian, Marian Bailey, Marie Adams and Three Tons of Joy, Marilyn Wann, Max Airborne, memoir, mental health, Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, mischief, mixed-size relationships, motorcycle, New Zealand, news, nomy lamm, oakland, Oso, Pacific Islander, Pandoura Carpenter, Peni Hall, performance, photography, poverty, queer, race and fat, racism, racism and fat hatred, Readers and Writers Conference, Rebeccah, recipes, reviews, roundtable, s/m, San Francisco, Sassy, Seattle’s Sisters of Size, Selena, sex, sexual abuse, sexuality, Sisters of Size, Sisterspirit Bookstore, smut, Sondra Solo, Steph, stories, submissions, Susan Stinson, Syndee Branton, theater, too fat to emigrate, Toshi Reagon, Tristan, Tristan Nathe, Val, Val & Steph, Vicki, Vicki Hodges, WOC, Wolfie, Women En Large, Wry Crips, zines
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